Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sometimes others say it so much better...

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.
- Eva Burrows

Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.
-Virginia Satir

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
--Mahatma Gandhi

"I'm pretty but I'm not beautiful
I sin but I'm not the devil
I'm good but I'm not an angel"
— Marilyn Monroe

Tolerance comes of age. I see no fault committed that I myself could not have committed at some time or other.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Feels More Like Home

I've been busy getting situated in our new place, and things are starting to feel a lot more like home around here.  Thanks to my amazing family and friends we've gotten moved into our new place.  Im so in love with's a peak into our new home.

 Looking into our kitchen
Dining Room
Downstairs Bathroom
 Living Room...(lol, still a lil messy, but its getting there)
Walking up stairs 
 Kaylens Room
 Justice's Bedroom
 Kids Bathroom
  Vanity Area
Master Bathroom

It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.
~Author Unknown


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lots of Exciting New Things

So much good news, i dont know where to start.

Firstly, my sister got married this past Saturday and the day was beautiful. Blue skies and gorgeous scenery and the bride and groom looked stunning. So happy for the two of them as well as to be able to be a part of their special day. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Loewy!

The day after her wedding we were scheduled to move into our new place. We had tons of help and we're so appreciative of it because we couldn't have done it without our amazing friends and family. Both of our boys were happy to have their own rooms.  We set up the toddler bed for Justice and he spend the first night in it all night without complaining. He fell of the bed once, but got back in and slept the rest of the night...
2nd night looked like this...

if you cant tell...thats him UNDER the bed. Its a work in progress, haha...but Kaylen is happy to have privacy and some peace and quiet in his own space and Justice likes his new room too.

My husband and i are still unpacking, with full time jobs it makes it a little harder to get done but we hope to be all settled within a couple weeks. I'll post pics once we have everything in order, however we love our new place and its unique decor/design.  Cant wait to make it feel more like home.

Lastly on the list of updates is news that I PASSED MY NOTARY EXAM!!! Im super excited. I've been so nervous for the past couple weeks about it, so its such a relief! Soon i'll be able to take care of some of the signings at work as well as after hours so i can bring in some extra income.

Many blessing on the forefront for me and my family. 

So thankful for it all!
