Friday, July 1, 2011

Summers in full effect!

Summer aka Tanning Season has OFFICIALLY began! I love this for many reasons...but here are a few:

1. No need to think about what to do on the weekend...Beach and Pool are always an option ;)
2. BBQs!!!
3. Traffic is cut down

On another note, Kaylen is out of school and on Summer Vacation.  Officially no longer my lil 4th grader and next year will be his last year in Elementary, he's growing up so fast! 

Accomplishments to end the year:

1. He had improved in all areas of his report card socially and academically, he enjoyed his teacher this year and managed to turn in his assignments and do his homework with out any nagging from me =). 
2. He had his first Mission assignment this year on Mission San Miguel Archangel and completed it along with his report and got an "A", yay!!
3. He is a purple-white belt in Karate. 
4. He plays the Chello.  
                                         (cell phone pic...a lil blurry)

Justice is still his lil energetic self keeping us on our toes.

1. He is working on his use of the potty and is doing well.  He's been making it through the day staying dry with the exception of maybe one accident. He's getting the hang of it.
2. He is talking a whole lot more and using bigger sentences to say what he wants or feels.  (downside: some days i wish he had a mute button :) lol)
3. He likes to pick his own clothes to wear and is very opinionated on what he likes and wants.
4. He likes dancing, turning on lights, ringing the doorbell, annoying his brother, yelling at cars to "come on maaaan, moooove" (sigh, lol yes my fault), and raiding the pantry for snacks at his leisure.

I've been horrible at keeping things on here up to speed and i haven't been up to anything crafty lately. Im terribly behind on scrapbooking.  So my goal is to accomplish putting my wedding scrapbook and album together (yes i said Wedding...sigh). Work has filled up my days and by the time i get to relax its usually late. However the weekends are usually fun, and we definately make good use of them.  The San Diego County Fair is open and the kids and i went a couple weeks back. Here's a couple pics from our last visit.

Fathers day was also a fun day. I had spent two weeks planning a gift the boys to give their Dad. With all the hard work he's invested into his magazine and Imperial Hustle i decided to have shirts made for the family.  The boys got shirts made with the company logo on the back and "RESPECT THE HUSTLE" printed on the front.  Daddy was a happy camper.  Here's a shot of the shirt.

My husband however has many good things in the works. Cory has put out Volume 4 of The Resource Magazine with the Outlaws on the cover of his magazine as well as an exclusive interview! He's also got interviews with lots of other artists, models, producers, etc...he is definately moving forward to making his vision a success. If you haven't seen it you need to peep it.
