Cory just had his 31st bday on October 27th and to celebrate we took him out for a nice family dinner. Being that Cory and Justice's birthday are 6 days apart we decided to have a Halloween Costume Bday Party to celebrate Justice turning 3. It was lots of fun buying decorations and making creative finger foods for the party. The kids also carved pumpkins, Kaylen drew and carved a Phineas and Ferb Pumpkin and Justice (with mommys help) made a cute lil pumpkin face.
Here are some of the fun treats we had for Justice's party:
Frankenstein Mozzarella Fingers
Brain and Eyeball Punch
Caramel Apples and Cupcakes!
Kids in Costume
Since we had two birthday boys, we sang both Cory and Justice Happy Birthday :)
The party turned out great. We had a lot of guests come to show the birthday boy love and he also got some pretty cool presents.
Halloween ended up being a lil on the crazy side. I ended up being rushed to the emergency room because i ended up getting some extreme sharp pains in my left side quite suddenly that took me down. After blood tests, pee samples, ultrasounds and all the test were coming back inconclusive. Finally the doctors ran a cat scan and found that i had a kidney stone. The gave me some good meds to take away the pain and sent me home with some meds as well to help. I wasn't able to take the kids trick or treating but my girlfriend came to the rescue and picked up Kaylen from school and took him trick or treating with her kids and we kept Justice since he was already with us. It worked out well since our kids are really good friends and he had a good time to take his mind of being worried about me.
Halloween ended up being a lil on the crazy side. I ended up being rushed to the emergency room because i ended up getting some extreme sharp pains in my left side quite suddenly that took me down. After blood tests, pee samples, ultrasounds and all the test were coming back inconclusive. Finally the doctors ran a cat scan and found that i had a kidney stone. The gave me some good meds to take away the pain and sent me home with some meds as well to help. I wasn't able to take the kids trick or treating but my girlfriend came to the rescue and picked up Kaylen from school and took him trick or treating with her kids and we kept Justice since he was already with us. It worked out well since our kids are really good friends and he had a good time to take his mind of being worried about me.
Kaylen is in the Black Morph Suit
I was out of work for two days recovering hoping to pass the stone. I still am not to sure that it has passed and every now and again have mild discomfort in my side. Overall i am feeling much better than what i was. I went back to work on Justices bday - Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. When i got home we took it easy and had dinner and cake at the house and it was pretty much a normal weekday evening.
Next on the agenda was Kaylens class field trip. I had requested the day off a month or two in advance to chaperone the trip as i've always wanted to be able to do that with Kaylen but could never seem to get the time off work. We went down to the USS Midway in San Diego and it really was both a fun and educational experience. We all met up at his school and took the bus to the train station where we road the coaster into downtown San Diego. I'd never been on the coaster before but it was really relaxing with some pretty ocean views. I was really happy to be able to participate in the trip. The kids learned some basics about the ship as well as how latitude, longitude and weather come into play when tracking hurricanes, as well as when out to sea in a big ship used for war. They got to see how planes were stored on the ship, learn different duties of the shipmates as well as go on the deck to practice weather tracking strategies. I enjoyed spending time with my son and his classmates. :)
View from the train
My group ;)
USS Midway
My crazy kid
Until next time :)